Field Trip
We will offer an optional but highly recommended two-day field trip beginning Friday afternoon through the coastal Oregon forest to examine operational silviculture and relevant inventory/monitoring and decision support issues across forest types and ownerships. The trip will therefore involve multiple landowners and their representatives, including the Siuslaw National Forest with tours and activities in the woods. Students should be ready for woods walking and potentially inclement weather. Our purpose is to reinforce concepts from week 1 (including completion of the first project) and provide a springboard for week 2 activities.
Weather Forecast – Yachats Oregon
You will want to bring your hardhat along for the weekend, as well, particularly the Saturday when we are out with FS staff on the Siuslaw National Forest, but I won’t leave you behind if you forget it. You should bring a small field notebook for writing and collecting a bit of data here and there, but there isn’t any need to bring your own equipment – I’ll provide whatever we need for measurements.
Coast Field Trip Lodging in Newport
The Field trip lodging will be at the Holiday Inn Express – Newport.